Your organization saved my sanity and my right for my support animal.
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Over the last decade, ESA Doctors has helped people just like you
with letters for emotional support animals and travel advice for psychiatric service dogs.
Get answers and your ESA letter today.
How The Process Works 极速赛车一分钟开奖历史记录新版|168极速赛车1分钟开奖记录查询
Simple. Confidential. Compassionate.
You get expert help from licensed professionals in a private and secure manner. There are no hidden fees, and we provide support the entire way.
Why People Trust ESA Doctors
You and your animal deserve stress-free protection.
The ESA Doctors process is streamlined to reduce stress, and we’re here to provide support at every step.
You’re in safe hands with our commitment to federal and state law compliance.
Get peace of mind with regular updates and ongoing review of new legislation passed.
You’re not alone in your ESA and PSD journey.
Your mental well-being and creative spirit are profoundly impacted by the love of an animal. Protecting that bond is the heartbeat of our mission as fellow ESA & PSD owners.

Can’t live without your furry companion?
Get your emotional support animal housing letter
Start now 一分钟极速赛车开奖官网历史,168极速赛车历史开奖记录查询 极速赛车168历史开奖结果记录 Your Support Animal Plans and Legal Rights
ESAs and psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) are both protected under the Fair Housing Act (FHA). PSDs have the additional protection of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). Choose the option that’s right for you!
Essential features of all
our plans
Mental health assessment
As per the ADA, FHA,
and ACAA
Housing rights
Live with your animal, exempt from fees and bans
Air travel rights
Fly with your dog in cabin free of charge
Public access rights
Take your dog places pets can’t go, like hotels and stores
Optional Benefits
Make your investment
go the extra mile
Priority support
Discounted yearly renewal

Need to fly with your dog?
Get your psychiatric service dog letter
Start now Everything You Need To Know About Assistance Animals
Curious about emotional support animals and psychiatric service dogs? Click below and you’ll find guides, resources, tips, and FAQs that answer your questions so you can make an informed decision.