Emotional support animals are legally protected assistance animals that help their owners with mental health challenges, and cats are the second-most popular type. Our feline friends can provide a comforting and supportive presence and are wonderful companions during difficult times.
Emotional support cats are protected in every state under federal housing laws—specifically, the Fair Housing Act. Many states, such as California, New York, Florida, and Illinois, also have additional laws protecting owners of emotional support cats. No matter what state you live in, the only way to have a legally protected emotional support cat is with an ESA letter.
An ESA letter is the only document you need to demonstrate that your cat is an assistance animal, not just an ordinary pet
ESA Doctors
How To
- Confirm you have a qualifying disability
To qualify for an emotional support cat, you must have an emotional or mental disability, defined by the ADA as a disability that limits one or more major life activities. Qualifying conditions include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety (GAD) and panic disorders, PTSD, bipolar disorder, OCD, AD(H)D, and insomnia.
- Have or adopt a cat
Any breed or weight of cat can be an emotional support cat. You can also have multiple emotional support cats, but each one must be covered by an ESA letter (see next steps). More on the legal rights of emotional support cats in the FAQ below.
- Get evaluated by a licensed mental health practitioner (LMHP)
Connect with a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, counselor, doctor, or nurse or with whomever is responsible for your mental healthcare if you are already seeing someone. They will evaluate your mental health condition and determine if it substantially limits a major life activity like work, sleep, or socializing. The professional will also assess whether having an emotional support cat can alleviate your symptoms effectively.
- Obtain an ESA letter
Once your mental health professional confirms your eligibility, they will provide you with an ESA letter on their letterhead, containing their contact information, license number, and signature. This letter is the only documentation you need to certify your cat as an emotional support animal and unlock the invaluable legal rights and accommodations that come with this status.
- Notify your landlord
Once you have an ESA letter, all you need to do is communicate with your landlord or building manager and inform them of your emotional support cat along with a copy of the letter. This should be done in writing, for example over email, so that everything is documented. You can give notice of your cat before or after moving in—it’s up to you. On one hand, you might want prior confirmation that there will be no headache surrounding your cat; on the other, you might want to ensure that your cat, whose housing rights are protected by law, will not in any way be a factor in the landlord’s decision to accept your housing application. Do as you see best fit.

Breed, weight, and housing: Emotional support cats have housing rights protected under federal law, namely, the Fair Housing Act. The law states that you are entitled to accommodation from landlords and buildings with “no-pet” policies, and cannot be subject to weight/breed restrictions, pet rent, pet fees, nor pet deposits. Emotional support cats are not protected under the ADA.
Multiple cats: You are allowed to have multiple emotional support cats. Each emotional support cat, however, must be covered by a valid ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional. You must also be able to comfortably and humanely house all your cats within your living space.
Travel: Unfortunately, emotional support animals are not protected under the ADA nor the Air Carrier Access Act, meaning that for air transport purposes they are treated the same as domestic pets. Only service dogs are eligible for no-fee cabin travel.
Emotional support animals are not service animals (and are ineligible to be trained as such, as only dogs can be service animals). Of course, you can still train your cat to perform whatever tasks you like, but emotional support cats neither require training of any kind nor can they benefit from legal protections under the ADA. Nonetheless, their housing rights are still protected by the Fair Housing Act.
• Cats can be easier to house than other animals, like dogs.
• With their natural self-grooming instincts and usage of litter boxes, the upkeep can be easier than dog ownership.
• Cats are well-suited for apartment living.
• Cats can accommodate people with busy schedules because of their independent character.
• Cats can be ideal indoor pets for homes without readily accessible outdoor space.
An ESA letter is essential for your cat to establish its status as an emotional support animal and gain the legal protections and benefits it deserves. Unlike regular pets, emotional support animals, including cats, are recognized under federal housing laws, granting them specific rights in no-pet housing units and exemptions from pet fees and deposits. However, without an ESA letter, your cat may not be considered an official assistance animal, and you might miss out on these crucial accommodations.
A legitimate ESA letter should include the following:
1. the license type and number of the LMHP
2. the state in which they’re licensed to practice
3. the date their license was issued
4. printed on their official letterhead
5. their contact information
6. the date the letter was issued
7. statement confirming you have a qualifying condition (without specifying which one)
8. statement confirming that an emotional support animal is part of the treatment or care plan for this condition
Yes, it is fully compliant with the law to get your ESA letter online.
If you are looking for an accessible, flat-rate option, ESA Doctors is here to help. We make full use of the advantages of telehealth. Here’s how:
• Convenience: Access professional services from home, saving on travel time and reducing anxiety related to unfamiliar environments.
• Accessibility: Connect with a licensed professional anywhere with an internet connection, ideal if you are in a remote area or have limited mobility.
• Time Savings: Skip commuting and waiting rooms.
• Continuity of Care: We’ll check in with you, when necessary, to make sure that you renew your letter to avoid lapses of expiration between one valid letter and the next.
• Privacy: Discuss your mental health needs comfortably from home.
• Support: The ESA Doctors team is always here to answer any questions you may have and to hold your hand through the process.
- Confirm you have a qualifying disability
- Have or adopt a cat
- Get evaluated by a licensed mental health practitioner (LMHP)
- Obtain an ESA letter
- Notify your landlord
- What legal rights do emotional support cats have?
- How do I train my emotional support cat?
- What are the benefits of emotional support cats?
- Why do I need an ESA letter for my cat?
- What goes in an ESA letter for cats?
- Can I get an ESA letter online?

Can my cat go with me and not under the seat in an airplane if it’s registered as ESA?
Unfortunately US airlines no longer recognize emotional support animals. To fly with your ESA, it will have to travel under the airline’s normal pet policies which have many limitations regarding the animal’s size, as well as additional fees. The only assistance animals recognized on flights are service dogs. Please see this guide for more details: https://esadoctors.com/how-to-fly-with-a-dog-travel-guide/
I have a letter from a licensed mental health professional. She is licensed in the state that I reside, but she does not have a physical practice in my state since I contact her via telehealth. My apartment complex is denying my request for my ESA due to her not having a physical practice in the state. Is that a valid reason for them to deny my request?
HUD guidelines allow tenants to get ESA letters from remote providers. You may find this article helpful: https://esadoctors.com/esa-online-telehealth/
How much does this service cost?
I currently am disabled and suffer with depression and anxiety, I have a cat (8months old) I would definitely say she’s my emotional support animal as she sits and cuddles me when I’m home and it makes me feel wanted. I’m about to be homeless and council are saying I may not be able to take my cat :(
We’re so sorry to hear about the troubles you’re having. Cats are very popular as emotional support animals and can be amazing companions through difficult times. We offer a flat rate service for ESA evaluations and ESA letters. With an ESA letter, you’ll have housing rights for your emotional support cats under Fair Housing rules. You can find specifics about our pricing plan here: https://esadoctors.com/pricing-plan/
I have been tenant for over 30 years and have always had pets here. Currently have 2 cats who are critical to my wellbeing as I suffer from deep ongoing depression. My landlord is aware of both cats and there have never been any complaints. However 2 tenants have moved in with ESA dogs and now my landlord now wants me to register my cats and charge me $500 fee as fee. as well as a high monthly rent. My question is can I register my cats as EMA even after them being in the apartment for years? How could I defend registering them now without mentioning my mental health issues which have worsened with the stress of this issue but I want them to remain strictly private. Please advise.
You never need to “register” an emotional support animal. Many landlords mistakenly make this request without understanding how ESA qualification works. If your building prohibits cats, you should have an ESA letter which will exempt you from those restrictions. The only documentation you need to verify that your cats are emotional support animals is an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional. Landlords cannot charge pet deposits or pet rents if the tenant has emotional support cats. If you need our help to qualify for an ESA letter for your cats, please start here: https://esadoctors.com/esa-questionnaire/
Can ESA cat be in a university college?
Generally yes, but we recommend seeing what your university’s specific policies and guidelines are.
Does the housing include overnight hotel stays that do not allow pets?
Unfortunately ESAs do not have legal rights in hotels. Some hotels may accommodate them however as a courtesy. Please see this link for more details: https://esadoctors.com/where-can-i-take-emotional-support-animals/