Comments on: 8 Reasons For Getting an Emotional Support Rabbit Wed, 20 Mar 2024 19:21:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sera Tue, 19 Jul 2022 09:14:44 +0000 I wouldn’t really consider a rabbit to be low maintenance. It’s not really their fault, but hay is the main part of their diet and it’s very difficult to keep hay contained XD. They also poop a LOT and it’s not easily scoopable like cat poop.

That being said, my rabbit was better for me than online counseling and medication combined. I don’t know exactly why — it actually took quite a while to form a bond. He was very shy and any time I would try to pet him, he was very wary and suspicious of me. Over time though, I built up trust with him and now he is my little best buddy. He’s such a sweetie and it makes me so happy just to sit there and pet him and scratch his cheeks and behind his ears.

So a rabbit is well worth the reward, but know what you’re getting into. He won’t love you anywhere near as quickly as a dog, and he may never like being picked up. He might be a bit messy and it might take some time to teach him what he can and cannot chew on. But I personally found bonding with a rabbit to be more rewarding than a dog or cat.

By: Kristen Wed, 15 Jun 2022 02:20:36 +0000 What breed rabbit do you have? I know each breed have very different personalities and I’m in search of a lower maintenance rabbit for my daughter and want to know which breeds easiest

By: Nina Mon, 28 Mar 2022 15:42:44 +0000 I’ve got 2 rabbits and they’re a little messy but nothing I can’t handle. they’re sweet. im in an apartment and they love their little space.

By: Gaia Sat, 19 Mar 2022 17:13:31 +0000 I am working on A assignment for school about how animals are great companions and this reply section helped me understand the bad that comes with having a bunny too.

By: Mel Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:56:56 +0000 In reply to Mikasta Moody.

Our rabbit is very low maintenance. Maybe it depends on the rabbit.

By: Mikasta Moody Sun, 08 Nov 2020 06:05:35 +0000 Other people have covered why rabbits are not THAT easy. They make wonderful pets if you have enough patience. But they are certainly NOT low maintenance.

By: Laura Thu, 15 Oct 2020 01:02:35 +0000 Hi

Some information in your page about the benefits of having a rabbit are misleading. Rabbits take time to bond with their human is not fast. Rabbits don’t like to be held because they are prey animals and they like to feel control over their bodies . They CANNOT be in a cage, otherwise the rabbit won’t be happy and is likely to be aggressive with their owners. If you can’t have your rabbit to roam free then have your rabbit in a big dog play pen instead. Rabbits are amazing pets I rescued one 3 years ago and I love him . It took me time to bond with him . Each rabbit has different personalities there are some more trusting than others .

By: Milkaa Sat, 12 Sep 2020 21:27:49 +0000 Actually, real rabbit owner here and rabbits need lots of space. Small spaces aren’t good for them. And they do need at least a clean, grassy place to roam. They’re loud as well. Not as much as dogs or cats, but can make a lot of noise. I’m not hating, just correcting, but please double check about rabbit care if you are planning to get a rabbit

By: Anna Platcow Mon, 20 Jul 2020 14:06:26 +0000 I would LOVE to see ESA animals to go in public spaces as stated above. I suffer from PTSD and Panic Attacks. My rabbit keeps me centered and comfortable.

By: JD Fri, 29 Mar 2019 00:05:53 +0000 Research on the benefits of AAT or ESA have shown to have a strong decrease in the number of patients suffering from mental health disorders, and has gained recognition among many health care providers over recent years (Fine, 2010). However, when a patient is denied entrance to a public setting due to their ESA, it spikes the rate at which their mental illness progresses. Stating such, denying these patients the right to bring their ESA in public places such as restaurants or retail stores causes a problem for those who depend on the mental assistance of their support animal. This pertinent concept and established influx of data raises an important question: “What would it take to approve emotional support animals as a service animal under the ADA?” The presence of ESA doctors allows patients who depend on their ESA to be granted public access and able to have their companion in their home, without a monthly charge.
