Comments on: Will an Emotional Support Dog Help With Loneliness? Wed, 20 Mar 2024 19:05:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessi Tue, 05 Jan 2021 01:29:28 +0000 You’re not allowed to bring her in public. Emotional support animals do not have public access rights. By using “an online registration card” you’re making it hard for legitimate service dog teams, like myself. Your ESA is covered for housing and that’s it.

By: ESA Doctors Wed, 11 Nov 2020 04:13:55 +0000 In reply to Lawanda Goldenppl.

We’re so happy to hear about how much your ESAs have helped you!

By: Lawanda Goldenppl Fri, 06 Nov 2020 14:29:54 +0000 I couldn’t imagine my life without both of my emotional support fur babies. Things have been so hard and even though we are homeless because my husband had a stoke and has been admitted fir some time. Without my girl’s I would’ve given up. They are truly a blessing and motivation for me

By: ESA Doctors Tue, 13 Oct 2020 00:29:47 +0000 In reply to Nicole.

ESAs do not have the same public access rights as service dogs. ESAs are not protected by the ADA as service dogs are. ESAs only have rights in housing and for air travel.

By: Nicole Fri, 09 Oct 2020 21:09:29 +0000 In reply to Lia Tingley.

ESAs DO NOT have public access rights under federal law. I’m assuming you’re either in the states or Canada ‘cause anywhere else as far as I know ESAs are not a thing. Service animals are the ONLY companion animal allowed anywhere non pet friendly as they’re task trained to help mitigate said person’s disability or disabilities. Depending on the providence or state you live in faking a service dog is a misdemeanor and punishable of up 1,000 dollars (per occurrence), jail time, and or community service.

By: Jim Turner Tue, 15 Sep 2020 19:33:37 +0000 I have had Cressy my my ESA (dog) for a year now. She is not very friendly in terms of wanting to be right next to me or giving kisses etc. That said, she has become invaluable in terms calming me when in public and feeling more secure when at home. I have an autoimmune disease, joint pain (with a couple replacements) and PTSD.
The only “protections” she qualifies for are for housing (can not be excluded from rental properties) and travel (including plane flights).
Both of these “protections” require a letter from your regular doctor.
I was able to get her an ID card through one of the Service Dog Organizations which helps with people who say she’s not allowed in businesses and public venues. But outside of housing and travel, it is up to the business owner/manager to allow her to stay with me.
Needless to say I tend to support businesses that support us.

By: Lia Tingley Thu, 10 Sep 2020 21:11:48 +0000 I have an as a dog who was prescribed for me for anxiety after my husband’s death from cancer 7 years ago. He goes literally everywhere with me, to work, church classes, etc. He is small and very well behaved. A recent health scare on my part brought home my need for him when my anxiety shyrocheted and PTSD kicked in. My issue is with people who think an esa dog is not a real service dog and should not receive any special accommodations. Yes, some people have abused it, but to people like me, they are a lifeline. I do not appear impaired and lead a busy life, but the anxiety is there and my dear companion is very much needed. I am terrified they will pass laws, as some have threatened to do, which will deprive me of his company in many situations. I would like to see some advocacy for esa dogs in the news, instead of just the negative stories, and would be happy to tell our story if there was a platform to do it. I have tried writing to the advice columnists to present the other side when I read a disparaging article about esa dogs and so far my letters have not been printed. Esa dogs ARE real service dogs to those of us who count on them.
